2023-08-27 19:48:06 +03:00

648 B

N19 Reference Compiler

Made to compile fast and produce not great, but acceptable output. Currently only 386 output supported (protected and partially real mode).



sudo make install

Command-line usage

ntc arg1=val1 arg2=val2 ... argn=valn

Valid arguments

This will be ported into a man page later:

(TBA) x86_target: Target processor feature set (0 for 8086, 3 for 80386, m for generic x86_64)
(TBA) x86_mode: Target operating mode (16 for 16-bit real mode, 32 for 32-bit protected mode or long mode, 64 for 64-bit long mode)
in: Input Nectar source file

Unknown arguments are ignored.