# Matroska over WebSocket Streaming This repository actually holds three programs, so be careful to not lost in the saurce. * After `make` completes, `wsrA` is the relay program, which can be run as so: `./wsrA port=12345 key=MyFancyStreamingKeyIsOVERHERE`. * Using the above example, one should stream to the HTTP path `/push/MyFancyStreamingKeyIsOVERHERE`. All other paths are expected to be used by WebSocket clients. * If using a reverse proxy (highly recommended), make sure to disable request buffering and the maximum request size. For nginx, you want `proxy_request_buffering off; client_max_body_size 0;`. * `index.html`, `blarf.js`, `blarfwork.js`, `support.js` and `support.wasm` are the frontend, which must be accessible to the browser. * You may insert a file named `intermission.jpg` that is shown when the stream is offline. * Of course you'll have to change the feed and chat endpoints in the `index.html`, if you don't want my stream. * You may also disable chat by setting `ENABLE_CHAT` to `false`.