(function() {
	var VideoQueue = []
	var AudioQueue = []
	var BlarfEl = document.getElementById("BLARF")
	BlarfEl.innerHTML = `
		<canvas width="1280" height="720"></canvas>
		<div class="MKVControls">
			<div class="MKVSpeaker"><span class="MKVSpeakerOff">🔈&#xFE0E;</span><span class="MKVSpeakerOn" style="display:none;">🔊&#xFE0E;</span></div>
			<span class="MKVCurrentTime">00:00:00</span>
			<span class="MKVStats"></span>
	var Canvus = BlarfEl.querySelector("canvas")
	var CanvCtx = Canvus.getContext("2d")
	var AudCtx
	var AudScript
	var AudHz
	function create_audio(hz, channels) {
		if(AudCtx) {
		AudHz = hz
		AudCtx = new AudioContext({sampleRate: hz})
		AudScript = AudCtx.createScriptProcessor(1024, channels, channels)
		AudScript.onaudioprocess = function(e) {
			var outL = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0)
			var outR = channels > 1 ? e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(1) : null
			var leftToWrite = outL.length
			var offset = 0
			while(AudioQueue.length && leftToWrite) {
				var amount = Math.min(leftToWrite, AudioQueue[0].left.length)
				outL.set(AudioQueue[0].left.subarray(0, amount), offset)
				if(outR) outR.set(AudioQueue[0].right.subarray(0, amount), offset)
				AudioQueue[0].left = AudioQueue[0].left.subarray(amount)
				if(outR) AudioQueue[0].right = AudioQueue[0].right.subarray(amount)
				if(AudioQueue[0].left.length == 0) {
				leftToWrite -= amount
				offset += amount
			if(RenderStartTime && leftToWrite) {

	var LastControlsInterrupt
	function interruptcontrols() {
		LastControlsInterrupt = document.timeline.currentTime

	function togglemute() {
		if(document.querySelector(".MKVSpeakerOn").style.display == "none") {
		} else {
		document.querySelectorAll(".MKVSpeaker *").forEach(function(el) { el.style.display = el.style.display == "none" ? "" : "none" })

	document.querySelector(".MKVSpeaker").onclick = togglemute

	document.onkeypress = function(e) {
		if(e.key.toUpperCase() == "M") {

	BlarfEl.onmousemove = function() {

	var RenderStartTime, VideoStartTime

	var Statistics = {}
	var TheWorker = new Worker("blarfwork.js")
	TheWorker.onmessage = function(e) {
		if(e.data.width) {
			var imgData = new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(e.data.data.buffer), e.data.width, e.data.height, {colorSpace: "srgb"})
			VideoQueue.push({t: e.data.t, imgData: imgData})
		} else if(e.data.samples) {
			AudioQueue.push({left: e.data.left, right: e.data.right || e.data.left})
			// Audio may be loaded but it might not play because of autoplay permissions
			// In this case the audio queue will fill up and cause ever-increasing AV desync
			// To prevent this, manually crop the audio to the duration in the video queue
			if(AudCtx && AudCtx.state != "running") {
				var durationInAudioQueue = AudioQueue.length ? AudioQueue.reduce((acc, el) => acc + el.left.length, 0) : 0
				var durationToRemove = Math.max(durationInAudioQueue - (VideoQueue.length ? (VideoQueue[VideoQueue.length - 1].t - VideoQueue[0].t) : 0) * AudHz / 1000, 0)
				while(AudioQueue.length && durationToRemove) {
					var amount = Math.min(durationToRemove, AudioQueue[0].left.length)
					AudioQueue[0].left = AudioQueue[0].left.subarray(amount)
					AudioQueue[0].right = AudioQueue[0].left.subarray(amount)
					if(AudioQueue[0].left.length == 0) {
					durationToRemove -= amount
		if(!Statistics[e.data.id]) {
			Statistics[e.data.id] = {sum: 0, count: 0}
		Statistics[e.data.id].sum += e.data.taken
		var stats = document.querySelector(".MKVStats")
		if(stats) {
		/*	var text = ""
			for(var k in Statistics) {
				text = text + k + ":" + (Math.floor(100 * Statistics[k].sum / Statistics[k].count) / 100) + ","
			stats.innerText = text*/
			stats.innerHTML = (VideoQueue.length ? (VideoQueue[VideoQueue.length - 1].t - VideoQueue[0].t) : "0") + "v" + (AudioQueue.reduce(function(acc, obj) {return acc + obj.left.length * AudHz / 1000}, 0)|0) + "a"

	Canvus.onclick = function() {
		if(AudCtx) AudCtx.resume()

	var VideoBufferingOffset = 0
	function buffering(millis) {
		//var silence = new Float32Array(millis * 48);
		//AudioQueue.push({left: silence, right: silence})
		//VideoBufferingOffset += millis

	function toHex(buffer) {
		return Array.prototype.map.call(buffer, x => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join('');
	function pad(str, n, z) {
		z = z || '0'
		str = str + ''
		while(str.length < n) {
			str = z + str
		return str

	class EBMLParser {
		Accum = new Uint8Array([])
		I = 0
		IdStack = []
		SizeStack = []
		get_varint() {
			if(this.Accum.length == 0) return null;
			var bytes = Math.clz32(this.Accum[this.I]) - 23
			if(this.Accum.length - this.I < bytes) return null;
			var ret = this.Accum.subarray(this.I, this.I + bytes).slice(0)
			this.I += bytes
			return ret
		poosh(toAdd) {
			var a = this.Accum
			this.Accum = new Uint8Array(a.length + toAdd.length)
			this.Accum.set(toAdd, a.length)
		parse() {
			do {
				var IOld = this.I
				var elID = this.get_varint()
				if(elID === null) {
					this.I = IOld
				elID = EBMLParser.vi_to_i(elID)
				var elSize = this.get_varint()
				if(elSize === null) {
					this.I = IOld
				elSize = EBMLParser.vi_to_i(elSize)
				if(elID == 0x18538067 || elID == 0x114D9B74 || elID == 0x1549A966 || elID == 0x1F43B675 || elID == 0x1654AE6B || elID == 0xE0 || elID == 0xE1 || elID == 0xAE) {
					// tree
					this.SizeStack.push(elSize + (this.I - IOld))
					if(this.onenter) {
				} else {
					// binary
					if(this.Accum.length - this.I >= elSize) {
						if(this.ondata) {
							this.ondata(elID, this.Accum.subarray(this.I, this.I + elSize))
						this.I += elSize
					} else {
						this.I = IOld
				for(var i = 0; i < this.IdStack.length; i++) {
					this.SizeStack[i] -= this.I - IOld
				while(this.SizeStack.length && this.SizeStack[this.SizeStack.length - 1] <= 0) {
					if(this.SizeStack[this.SizeStack.length] - 1 < 0) console.log("Shit")
					if(this.onexit) {
						this.onexit(this.IdStack[this.IdStack.length - 1])
			} while(true);
			this.Accum = this.Accum.subarray(this.I)
			this.I = 0
		static parse_varint(vi) {
			vi[0] = vi[0] & ((1 << (31 - Math.clz32(vi[0]))) - 1)
		static vi_to_i(vi) {
			var ret = 0
			for(var i = 0; i < vi.length; i++) {
				ret = ret * 256 + vi[i]
			return ret

	class MatroskaState {
		tracks = []
		onenter(elID) {
			if(elID == 0xAE) {
				// Track Entry
			} else if(elID == 0xE0) {
				// Track Entry -> Track Video
				this.tracks[this.tracks.length - 1].type = "video"
			} else if(elID == 0xE1) {
				// Track Entry -> Track Audio
				this.tracks[this.tracks.length - 1].type = "audio"
		ondata(elID, data) {
			if(elID == 0xD7) {
				// Track Entry -> Track Number
				this.tracks[this.tracks.length - 1].id = EBMLParser.vi_to_i(data)
			} else if(elID == 0xB0) {
				// Track Entry -> Track Video -> Width
				this.tracks[this.tracks.length - 1].width = EBMLParser.vi_to_i(data)
			} else if(elID == 0xBA) {
				// Track Entry -> Track Video -> Height
				this.tracks[this.tracks.length - 1].height = EBMLParser.vi_to_i(data)
			} else if(elID == 0x9F) {
				// Track Entry -> Track Audio -> Channels
				this.tracks[this.tracks.length - 1].channels = EBMLParser.vi_to_i(data)
			} else if(elID == 0xB5) {
				// Track Entry -> Track Audio -> Sampling Frequency
				var dv = new DataView(data.slice(0).buffer)
				this.tracks[this.tracks.length - 1].samplerate = data.length == 4 ? dv.getFloat32(0, false) : dv.getFloat64(0, false)
			} else if(elID == 0x86) {
				// Track Entry -> Codec Type
				this.tracks[this.tracks.length - 1].codec = new TextDecoder().decode(data);
			} else if(elID == 0x63A2) {
				// Track Entry -> Codec Private
				this.tracks[this.tracks.length - 1].priv = data.slice(0)
			} else if(elID == 0xE7) {
				// Cluster -> Timestamp
				this.currentClusterTime = EBMLParser.vi_to_i(data)
				if(!RenderStartTime) {
					RenderStartTime = document.timeline.currentTime + 1000
				if(!VideoStartTime) {
					VideoStartTime = this.currentClusterTime
			} else if(elID == 0xA3) {
				// Cluster -> SimpleBlock
				var trackID = data[0] & 127
				var track = this.tracks.find(function(t) {return t.id == trackID})
				var timestamp = data[1] * 256 + data[2]
				var flags = data[3]
				var kf = !!(flags & 128)
				var TotalTime = (this.currentClusterTime + timestamp) / 1000
				document.querySelector(".MKVCurrentTime").innerText = pad(Math.floor(TotalTime / 3600), 2) + ":" + pad(Math.floor(TotalTime / 60 % 60), 2) + ":" + pad(Math.floor(TotalTime % 60), 2)
				if(track) {
					var packet = data.subarray(4)
					TheWorker.postMessage({cmd: "decode", id: trackID, t: timestamp + this.currentClusterTime - VideoStartTime, packet: packet, kf: kf})
		onexit(elID) {
			if(elID == 0xAE) {
				// Track Entry
				var track = this.tracks[this.tracks.length - 1]
				var codec = track.codec
				var id = track.id
				var priv = track.priv
				var channels = track.samples // undefined if not audio
				TheWorker.postMessage({cmd: "create", codec: codec, id: id, priv: priv, channels: channels})
				if(track.type == "video") {
					Canvus.width = track.width
					Canvus.height = track.height
				} else {
					create_audio(track.samplerate, track.channels)

	var matr = new MatroskaState()

	var ebml = new EBMLParser()
	ebml.onenter = matr.onenter.bind(matr)
	ebml.ondata = matr.ondata.bind(matr)
	ebml.onexit = matr.onexit.bind(matr)

	function reconnect_ws() {
		var ws = new WebSocket(BlarfEl.getAttribute("data-target"))
		ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer"
		ws.onmessage = function(ev) {
			ebml.poosh(new Uint8Array(ev.data))
		ws.onclose = function(ev) {
			setTimeout(reconnect_ws, 5000)

	function render(timestamp) {
		document.querySelector(".MKVControls").style.opacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, 5 - (timestamp - LastControlsInterrupt) / 1000))
		while(RenderStartTime && VideoQueue.length && VideoQueue[0].t + VideoBufferingOffset <= (timestamp - RenderStartTime)) {
			CanvCtx.putImageData(VideoQueue[0].imgData, 0, 0)