return function(ast, out) local function compile(chu) if chu.type == "chunk" then if chu.toplevel then for k, import in pairs(chu.imports) do out("local %s = require(%q)\n", import[#import], table.concat(import, ".")) end for k, var in pairs(chu.vars) do out("local %s\n", k) end for k, expr in pairs(chu.vars) do if expr then out("%s=", k) compile(expr) out(";") end end for k, t in pairs(chu.types) do out("local %s={}%s.__index=%s;setmetatable(%s, %s)", k, k, k, k, k) for _, m in pairs(t.members) do if m.type == "field" then -- Do nothing. elseif m.type == "static" then out("%s.%s=", k, compile(m.value) out(";") else error("Invalid AST") end end end out("return{") for k,v in pairs(chu.vars) do out("%s=%s,", k, k) end for k,v in pairs(chu.types) do out("%s=%s,", k, k) end out("}") else for k, stmt in ipairs(chu.stmts) do compile(stmt) if stmt.type == 'call' then out(";") --Safety delimiter. end end end elseif chu.type == "function" then out("function(%s%s)", chu.is_constructor and "_," or "", table.concat(chu.args, ",")) if SAFE_MODE then for k, argname in pairs(chu.args) do local et =[k] if et then local checks = {} if et.type == 'integer' or et.type == 'number' or et.type == 'string' or et.type == 'boolean' then if et.type == 'integer' then table.insert(checks, 'type(' .. argname .. ')=="number"') table.insert(checks, argname .. '%1==0') else table.insert(checks, 'type(' .. argname .. ')=="''"') end elseif et.type == 'list' then table.insert(checks, 'type(' .. argname .. ')=="table"') end if #checks > 0 then out("assert(%s, %q);", table.concat(checks, " and "), string.format("Invalid argument %q", argname)) end end end end if chu.is_constructor then out("local self=setmetatable({}, %s);", end compile(chu.chunk) if chu.is_constructor then out("return self;") end out("end") elseif chu.type == "let" then out("local %s", if chu.expr then out("=") compile(chu.expr) end out(";") elseif chu.type == "num" then out("%g", chu.value) elseif chu.type == "var" then out("%s", elseif chu.type == "binop" then local paren paren = chu.a.type == "binop" and chu.a.level > chu.level if paren then out("(") end compile(chu.a) if paren then out(")") end local op = chu.op if op == "**" then op = "^" elseif op == "/" and (not or == 'integer') and (not or == 'integer') then op = "//" end out("%s", op) paren = chu.b.type == "binop" and chu.b.level > chu.level if paren then out("(") end compile(chu.b) if paren then out(")") end elseif chu.type == "lengthof" then out("#(") compile(chu.sub) out(")") elseif chu.type == "dot" then compile(chu.a) out("%s%s", chu.colon and ":" or ".", chu.b) elseif chu.type == "index" then out("(") compile(chu.what) out(")[") compile(chu.idx) out("]") elseif chu.type == "call" then local guard = chu.type == 'binop' if guard then out("(") end compile(chu.what) if guard then out(")") end out("(") for k, v in pairs(chu.args) do compile(v) if k < #chu.args then out(",") end end out(")") elseif chu.type == "dict" then out("{") for k, v in pairs(chu.mappings) do out("[") compile(k) out("]=") compile(v) out(",") end out("}") elseif chu.type == "list" then out("{") for k, v in pairs(chu.values) do out("[%i]=", k) compile(v) out(",") end out("}") elseif chu.type == "string" then out("%q", chu.value) elseif chu.type == "null" then out("nil") elseif chu.type == "return" then out("return ") compile(chu.expr) out(";") elseif chu.type == "if" then out("if ") compile(chu[1].pred) out(" then ") compile(chu[1].chu) for i = 2, #chu do out("elseif ") compile(chu[i].pred) out("then ") compile(chu[i].chu) end if chu.elsa then out("else ") compile(chu.elsa) end out("end;") elseif chu.type == "fori" then out("for " .. chu.varname .. "=") compile(chu.from) out(",") compile( out("-1 do ") compile(chu.chu) out("end ") elseif chu.type == "loop" then out("while true do ") compile(chu.chu) out("end ") elseif chu.type == "break" then out("break ") elseif chu.type == "noop" then elseif chu.type == "exprstat" then compile(chu.expr) out(";") elseif chu.type == "assign" then compile(chu.dest) out("=") compile(chu.src) out(";") else error(string.format("Invalid AST node (type %q)", chu.type)) end end return compile(ast) end