{% -- ADMIN ONLY if verified and verified.privs ~= 255 then verified = nil end if verified then local pohst = request:post() if pohst and pohst.csrf and DB.csrfverify(verified.id, Escapes.urlunescape(tostring(pohst.csrf))) then -- Basic settings if pohst["sitename"] and not Escapes.urlunescape(pohst["sitename"]):match"^%s*$" then BigGlobe.cfg.sitename = Escapes.urlspunescape(pohst["sitename"]) end BigGlobe.cfg.enable18plus = pohst["enable18plus"] ~= nil -- Tag categories for i=1,BigGlobe.cfg.tc.n do if pohst["tcn" .. i] then BigGlobe.cfg.tc[i].name = Escapes.urlspunescape(pohst["tcn" .. i]) end if pohst["tcc" .. i] then BigGlobe.cfg.tc[i].col = tonumber(Escapes.urlunescape(pohst["tcc" .. i]):sub(2), 16) or 0 end end -- New tag if pohst["ntn"] and tonumber(pohst["ntc"]) then local cat = tonumber(pohst["ntc"]) if cat >= 1 and cat <= BigGlobe.cfg.tc.n then DB.tagadd(Escapes.urlspunescape(pohst["ntn"]), cat, pohst["nta"] ~= nil) end end -- Tag editing if pohst["ettags"] and (#pohst["ettags"] > 0) then local tagarr = {} for tagstr in pohst["ettags"]:gmatch("%d+") do table.insert(tagarr, tonumber(tagstr)) end local newname = pohst["etname"] and Escapes.urlspunescape(pohst["etname"]) if newname and newname:match"^%s*$" then newname = nil end local newcategory = tonumber(pohst["etcat"]) local newadultonly = pohst["eta"] ~= nil local del = pohst["etdel"] if del and del:match"^%s*$" then del = nil end DB.updatetags(tagarr, newname, newcategory, newadultonly, del) end -- Mods if pohst["mods"] then local newmods = {} for m in Escapes.urlspunescape(pohst["mods"]):gmatch"[^,]+" do if not m:match("^%s*$") then table.insert(newmods, m) end end DB.setmodsviaemails(newmods) end -- Ruleset if pohst["ruleset"] then BigGlobe.cfg.ruleset = Escapes.urlspunescape(pohst["ruleset"]) end -- X-Sendfile if pohst["sendfilehdr"] then BigGlobe.cfg.sendfile = Escapes.urlunescape(pohst["sendfilehdr"]) end if pohst["sendfileprefix"] then BigGlobe.cfg.sendfileprefix = Escapes.urlunescape(pohst["sendfileprefix"]) end BigGlobe.sv() end else response:statusCode(403) end %} {% title = "Administrative Settings" %} {% function content() %} {% if verified then %}

{{ title }}

Basic Site Settings

Site Name

New Tag

Set category ID

Set name

Edit Tag

Tags to edit...


Enter a comma-separated list of e-mails that shall be granted moderator permissions.

{% local mods = DB.getmoderators() %}


The following HTML (!) will be displayed upon registration and user reporting. Use this to define a ruleset for your community. Tip: place an <ol> element to establish a clear numbered list.

File download acceleration

Using this feature is highly recommended as it lets Ikibooru outsource IO-intensive file downloads onto the reverse proxy, which has ways of speeding up the process. Otherwise large file downloads could freeze the entire website. Said proxy must also be configured to support the feature (it is typically called X-Sendfile or X-Accel-Redirect).

Tag Categories

These exist for ease within searching.

{% for i=1,BigGlobe.cfg.tc.n do %} {% end %}
{{ i }}
{% else %}

You are not authorized to view this page.

{% end %} {% end %} {# base.inc