#!/usr/bin/env lua5.3 local SQL = require"luasql.mysql" do local st, res = pcall(io.popen, "uname -s", "r") if not st or res:read"*l" ~= "Linux" then print"Only Linux is supported by the uninstaller at this moment." return end end local code = [[YES, I AM REALLY SURE I REALLY WANT TO DELETE EVERYTHING ON IKIBOORU]] print"Are you sure you wish to uninstall Ikibooru? Perhaps you want to only disable the service? This script will not do that. print"This script will: remove the user; its directory, which includes all object data and ID-hiding key; delete the database (that means ALL ACCOUNTS, COMMENTS AND POSTS!); remove as a service." print"ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT THIS?" print("If you are sure, type \""..code.."\" exactly.") if io.read"*l" ~= code then return end if not os.getenv"SUDO_COMMAND" then print"Please run under sudo or as root." return end if pcall(io.popen, "systemd --version") then os.execute"systemctl stop ikibooru" os.execute"systemctl disable ikibooru" os.execute"rm /etc/systemd/system/ikibooru.service" os.execute"systemctl daemon-reload" end local cfg = loadfile("/home/ikibooru/ikibooru/cfg.lua", "t", {}) local SQLConn = SQL.mysql():connect("", cfg.sqlu, cfg.sqlp, cfg.sqlh) SQLConn:execute[[DROP DATABASE `ikibooru`;]] os.execute"deluser ikibooru" os.execute"rm -r /home/ikibooru" print"" print"It was pleasure doing business."