{% local tagids = {} if request.querystring.t then for tagid in string.gmatch(Escapes.urlunescape(request.querystring.t), "%d+") do table.insert(tagids, tonumber(tagid)) end end local namefilter = request.querystring.n and Escapes.urlspunescape(request.querystring.n) or "" if namefilter and namefilter:match"^%s*$" then namefilter = nil end local offset = request.querystring.off and DB.objshowid(Escapes.urlunescape(request.querystring.off)) or 0 local adultcontent = BigGlobe.cfg.enable18plus and tonumber(request.querystring.a) or -1 title = BigGlobe.cfg.sitename .. " - search" %} {% function content() %}
{% local found = DB.searchobjs(tagids, namefilter, offset, adultcontent) %} {% if #found == 0 then %}

No results.

{% else %} {% for i=#found,1,-1 do local o = found[i] %} {% local pub = DB.objhideid(o.id) %}

{{ Escapes.htmlescape(o.name) }}

{% end %} {% if #found >= 50 then %}
{% end %} {% end %}
{% end %} {# base.inc