{% local em = request.querystring.z and Escapes.urlspunescape(request.querystring.z) local u local worked = false local zzz if em and not verified then worked = true u = DB.getuserbyemail(em) if u and u.privs ~= DB.USER_PRIVS_BANNED then -- Signing in zzz = SMTPAuth.sendauthinfo(u) elseif not u and (BigGlobe.cfg.membexcl == BigGlobe.MEMBEXCL_PUBLIC_WITHAPPROVAL or BigGlobe.cfg.membexcl == BigGlobe.MEMBEXCL_PUBLIC_NOAPPROVAL) then -- Public registration zzz = SMTPAuth.sendregisterinfo(em) else worked = false end if worked and BigGlobe.cfg.anarchy == "ANARCHY" then response:addHeader("Refresh", "3;url=" .. zzz) response:statusCode(303) end end title = BigGlobe.cfg.sitename .. " - Sign-in sent" %} {% function content() %} {% if BigGlobe.cfg.anarchy == "ANARCHY" then %}
In anarchy mode, anyone can be anything. Please wait..
If that doesn't work, click here.
{% else %} {% if worked then %}Link has been sent to {{ em and Escapes.htmlescape(em) }}. This page may be closed.
{% else %}You are not authorized to register this account. {% if u and u.privs == DB.USER_PRIVS_BANNED then %}You have been banned.{% elseif BigGlobe.cfg.membexcl == BigGlobe.MEMBEXCL_MEMBERS_INVITE then %}This website is invite-only.{% elseif BigGlobe.cfg.membexcl == BigGlobe.MEMBEXCL_MODS_INVITE then %}Only moderators may invite.{% elseif BigGlobe.cfg.membexcl == BigGlobe.MEMBEXCL_ADMIN_INVITES then %}Only administrators may invite.{% end %}
{% end %} {% end %} {% end %} {# base.inc