{% title = "Registration" local expired = false if request:post() and request:post().iagree and request.querystring.q then local q = Escapes.urlunescape(request.querystring.q) local ver = DB.userregverify(q) -- Second condition prevents double registration if ver and not DB.getuserbyemail(ver.em) then local name = Escapes.urlspunescape(request:post().mydispname) if not name or name:match"^%s*$" then name = "Empty Space" end local userid = DB.reguser(ver.em, name, BigGlobe.cfg.membexcl == BigGlobe.MEMBEXCL_PUBLIC_WITHAPPROVAL and DB.USER_PRIVS_UNAPPROVED or DB.USER_PRIVS_APPROVED) response:addHeader("Set-Cookie", "sesh=" .. Escapes.urlescape(DB.userauth(DB.getuserbyid(userid))) .. "; SameSite=Lax; Secure; HttpOnly") response:addHeader("Location", "/") response:statusCode(303) else response:statusCode(400) expired = true end end %} {% function content() %} {% if expired then %}
This link has expired.
{% else %}{{ Escapes.htmlescape(BigGlobe.cfg.sitename) }} uses 1 cookie to handle user sessions, and requires a user-chosen name to be publicly displayed and your e-mail address, both for as long as the account is registered. These are strictly necessary for {{ Escapes.htmlescape(BigGlobe.cfg.sitename) }} to function.
All items posted and their files shall be publicly available, along with all of your comments.
{% end %} {% end %} {# base.inc