// minitrace // Copyright 2014 by Henrik RydgÄrd // http://www.github.com/hrydgard/minitrace // Released under the MIT license. // See minitrace.h for basic documentation. #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma warning (disable:4996) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #define __thread __declspec(thread) #define pthread_mutex_t CRITICAL_SECTION #define pthread_mutex_init(a, b) InitializeCriticalSection(a) #define pthread_mutex_lock(a) EnterCriticalSection(a) #define pthread_mutex_unlock(a) LeaveCriticalSection(a) #define pthread_mutex_destroy(a) DeleteCriticalSection(a) #else #include #include #include #include #endif #include "minitrace.h" #ifdef __GNUC__ #define ATTR_NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn)) #else #define ATTR_NORETURN #endif #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]) #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 // Ugh, this struct is already pretty heavy. // Will probably need to move arguments to a second buffer to support more than one. typedef struct raw_event { const char *name; const char *cat; void *id; int64_t ts; uint32_t pid; uint32_t tid; char ph; mtr_arg_type arg_type; const char *arg_name; union { const char *a_str; int a_int; double a_double; }; } raw_event_t; static raw_event_t *event_buffer; static raw_event_t *flush_buffer; static volatile int event_count; static int is_tracing = FALSE; static int is_flushing = FALSE; static int events_in_progress = 0; static int64_t time_offset; static int first_line = 1; static FILE *f; static __thread int cur_thread_id; // Thread local storage static int cur_process_id; static pthread_mutex_t mutex; static pthread_mutex_t event_mutex; #define STRING_POOL_SIZE 100 static char *str_pool[100]; // forward declaration void mtr_flush_with_state(int); // Tiny portability layer. // Exposes: // get_cur_thread_id() // get_cur_process_id() // mtr_time_s() // pthread basics #ifdef _WIN32 static int get_cur_thread_id() { return (int)GetCurrentThreadId(); } static int get_cur_process_id() { return (int)GetCurrentProcessId(); } static uint64_t _frequency = 0; static uint64_t _starttime = 0; double mtr_time_s() { if (_frequency == 0) { QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*)&_frequency); QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)&_starttime); } __int64 time; QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)&time); return ((double) (time - _starttime) / (double) _frequency); } // Ctrl+C handling for Windows console apps static BOOL WINAPI CtrlHandler(DWORD fdwCtrlType) { if (is_tracing && fdwCtrlType == CTRL_C_EVENT) { printf("Ctrl-C detected! Flushing trace and shutting down.\n\n"); mtr_flush(); mtr_shutdown(); } ExitProcess(1); } void mtr_register_sigint_handler() { // For console apps: SetConsoleCtrlHandler(&CtrlHandler, TRUE); } #else static inline int get_cur_thread_id() { return (int)(intptr_t)pthread_self(); } static inline int get_cur_process_id() { return (int)getpid(); } #if defined(BLACKBERRY) double mtr_time_s() { struct timespec time; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time); // Linux must use CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW due to time warps return time.tv_sec + time.tv_nsec / 1.0e9; } #else double mtr_time_s() { static time_t start; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if (start == 0) { start = tv.tv_sec; } tv.tv_sec -= start; return (double)tv.tv_sec + (double)tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0; } #endif // !BLACKBERRY static void termination_handler(int signum) ATTR_NORETURN; static void termination_handler(int signum) { (void) signum; if (is_tracing) { printf("Ctrl-C detected! Flushing trace and shutting down.\n\n"); mtr_flush(); fwrite("\n]}\n", 1, 4, f); fclose(f); } exit(1); } void mtr_register_sigint_handler() { #ifndef MTR_ENABLED return; #endif // Avoid altering set-to-be-ignored handlers while registering. if (signal(SIGINT, &termination_handler) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); } #endif void mtr_init_from_stream(void *stream) { #ifndef MTR_ENABLED return; #endif event_buffer = (raw_event_t *)malloc(INTERNAL_MINITRACE_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(raw_event_t)); flush_buffer = (raw_event_t *)malloc(INTERNAL_MINITRACE_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(raw_event_t)); is_flushing = FALSE; is_tracing = 1; event_count = 0; f = (FILE *)stream; const char *header = "{\"traceEvents\":[\n"; fwrite(header, 1, strlen(header), f); time_offset = (uint64_t)(mtr_time_s() * 1000000); first_line = 1; pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, 0); pthread_mutex_init(&event_mutex, 0); } void mtr_init(const char *json_file) { #ifndef MTR_ENABLED return; #endif mtr_init_from_stream(fopen(json_file, "wb")); } void mtr_shutdown() { int i; #ifndef MTR_ENABLED return; #endif pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); is_tracing = FALSE; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); mtr_flush_with_state(TRUE); fwrite("\n]}\n", 1, 4, f); fclose(f); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&event_mutex); f = 0; free(event_buffer); event_buffer = 0; free(flush_buffer); flush_buffer = 0; for (i = 0; i < STRING_POOL_SIZE; i++) { if (str_pool[i]) { free(str_pool[i]); str_pool[i] = 0; } } } const char *mtr_pool_string(const char *str) { int i; for (i = 0; i < STRING_POOL_SIZE; i++) { if (!str_pool[i]) { str_pool[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen(str) + 1); strcpy(str_pool[i], str); return str_pool[i]; } else { if (!strcmp(str, str_pool[i])) return str_pool[i]; } } return "string pool full"; } void mtr_start() { #ifndef MTR_ENABLED return; #endif pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); is_tracing = TRUE; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } void mtr_stop() { #ifndef MTR_ENABLED return; #endif pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); is_tracing = FALSE; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } // TODO: fwrite more than one line at a time. // Flushing is thread safe and process async // using double-buffering mechanism. // Aware: only one flushing process may be // running at any point of time void mtr_flush_with_state(int is_last) { #ifndef MTR_ENABLED return; #endif int i = 0; char linebuf[1024]; char arg_buf[1024]; char id_buf[256]; int event_count_copy = 0; int events_in_progress_copy = 1; raw_event_t *event_buffer_tmp = NULL; // small critical section to swap buffers // - no any new events can be spawn while // swapping since they tied to the same mutex // - checks for any flushing in process pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); // if not flushing already if (is_flushing) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); return; } is_flushing = TRUE; event_count_copy = event_count; event_buffer_tmp = flush_buffer; flush_buffer = event_buffer; event_buffer = event_buffer_tmp; event_count = 0; // waiting for any unfinished events before swap while (events_in_progress_copy != 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&event_mutex); events_in_progress_copy = events_in_progress; pthread_mutex_unlock(&event_mutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); for (i = 0; i < event_count_copy; i++) { raw_event_t *raw = &flush_buffer[i]; int len; switch (raw->arg_type) { case MTR_ARG_TYPE_INT: snprintf(arg_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(arg_buf), "\"%s\":%i", raw->arg_name, raw->a_int); break; case MTR_ARG_TYPE_STRING_CONST: snprintf(arg_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(arg_buf), "\"%s\":\"%s\"", raw->arg_name, raw->a_str); break; case MTR_ARG_TYPE_STRING_COPY: if (strlen(raw->a_str) > 700) { snprintf(arg_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(arg_buf), "\"%s\":\"%.*s\"", raw->arg_name, 700, raw->a_str); } else { snprintf(arg_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(arg_buf), "\"%s\":\"%s\"", raw->arg_name, raw->a_str); } break; case MTR_ARG_TYPE_NONE: arg_buf[0] = '\0'; break; } if (raw->id) { switch (raw->ph) { case 'S': case 'T': case 'F': // TODO: Support full 64-bit pointers snprintf(id_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(id_buf), ",\"id\":\"0x%08x\"", (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)raw->id); break; case 'X': snprintf(id_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(id_buf), ",\"dur\":%i", (int)raw->a_double); break; } } else { id_buf[0] = 0; } const char *cat = raw->cat; #ifdef _WIN32 // On Windows, we often end up with backslashes in category. char temp[256]; { int len = (int)strlen(cat); int i; if (len > 255) len = 255; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { temp[i] = cat[i] == '\\' ? '/' : cat[i]; } temp[len] = 0; cat = temp; } #endif len = snprintf(linebuf, ARRAY_SIZE(linebuf), "%s{\"cat\":\"%s\",\"pid\":%i,\"tid\":%i,\"ts\":%" PRId64 ",\"ph\":\"%c\",\"name\":\"%s\",\"args\":{%s}%s}", first_line ? "" : ",\n", cat, raw->pid, raw->tid, raw->ts - time_offset, raw->ph, raw->name, arg_buf, id_buf); fwrite(linebuf, 1, len, f); first_line = 0; if (raw->arg_type == MTR_ARG_TYPE_STRING_COPY) { free((void*)raw->a_str); } #ifdef MTR_COPY_EVENT_CATEGORY_AND_NAME free(raw->name); free(raw->cat); #endif } pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); is_flushing = is_last; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } void mtr_flush() { mtr_flush_with_state(FALSE); } void internal_mtr_raw_event(const char *category, const char *name, char ph, void *id) { #ifndef MTR_ENABLED return; #endif pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if (!is_tracing || event_count >= INTERNAL_MINITRACE_BUFFER_SIZE) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); return; } raw_event_t *ev = &event_buffer[event_count]; ++event_count; pthread_mutex_lock(&event_mutex); ++events_in_progress; pthread_mutex_unlock(&event_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); double ts = mtr_time_s(); if (!cur_thread_id) { cur_thread_id = get_cur_thread_id(); } if (!cur_process_id) { cur_process_id = get_cur_process_id(); } #ifdef MTR_COPY_EVENT_CATEGORY_AND_NAME const size_t category_len = strlen(category); ev->cat = malloc(category_len + 1); strcpy(ev->cat, category); const size_t name_len = strlen(name); ev->name = malloc(name_len + 1); strcpy(ev->name, name); #else ev->cat = category; ev->name = name; #endif ev->id = id; ev->ph = ph; if (ev->ph == 'X') { double x; memcpy(&x, id, sizeof(double)); ev->ts = (int64_t)(x * 1000000); ev->a_double = (ts - x) * 1000000; } else { ev->ts = (int64_t)(ts * 1000000); } ev->tid = cur_thread_id; ev->pid = cur_process_id; ev->arg_type = MTR_ARG_TYPE_NONE; pthread_mutex_lock(&event_mutex); --events_in_progress; pthread_mutex_unlock(&event_mutex); } void internal_mtr_raw_event_arg(const char *category, const char *name, char ph, void *id, mtr_arg_type arg_type, const char *arg_name, void *arg_value) { #ifndef MTR_ENABLED return; #endif pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if (!is_tracing || event_count >= INTERNAL_MINITRACE_BUFFER_SIZE) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); return; } raw_event_t *ev = &event_buffer[event_count]; ++event_count; pthread_mutex_lock(&event_mutex); ++events_in_progress; pthread_mutex_unlock(&event_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); if (!cur_thread_id) { cur_thread_id = get_cur_thread_id(); } if (!cur_process_id) { cur_process_id = get_cur_process_id(); } double ts = mtr_time_s(); #ifdef MTR_COPY_EVENT_CATEGORY_AND_NAME const size_t category_len = strlen(category); ev->cat = malloc(category_len + 1); strcpy(ev->cat, category); const size_t name_len = strlen(name); ev->name = malloc(name_len + 1); strcpy(ev->name, name); #else ev->cat = category; ev->name = name; #endif ev->id = id; ev->ts = (int64_t)(ts * 1000000); ev->ph = ph; ev->tid = cur_thread_id; ev->pid = cur_process_id; ev->arg_type = arg_type; ev->arg_name = arg_name; switch (arg_type) { case MTR_ARG_TYPE_INT: ev->a_int = (int)(uintptr_t)arg_value; break; case MTR_ARG_TYPE_STRING_CONST: ev->a_str = (const char*)arg_value; break; case MTR_ARG_TYPE_STRING_COPY: ev->a_str = strdup((const char*)arg_value); break; case MTR_ARG_TYPE_NONE: break; } pthread_mutex_lock(&event_mutex); --events_in_progress; pthread_mutex_unlock(&event_mutex); }